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Name: Holly Wood
Location: Chortlon, Manchester
Blog URL:
Youtube URL: HollyGoesLightly Youtube
Twitter followers: 4071
Instagram followers: 2119
Facebook likes: 460
Pinterest: hgl_blog
It's been scary building something, with no security blanket and I keep feeling pulled in many different directions, not quite sure what's best to focus on. The the world of blogging and online content has changed so much...
How long have you been blogging/vlogging/creating content?
Wow, I'm ancient in the terms of the blogging world...about 8 years ago! Regular Tumblr blog, then WordPress, then self-hosted, then Twitter, then Instagram and now Pinterest and Youtube too!
Why did you decide to start your blog/vlog?
It started out as a sort of online CV for my events work, then when I moved up from London to Manchester, I used it as sort of diary of me discovering the city. Back then, there weren't many blogs about Manchester and not many bloggers in Manchester (or at least it seemed that way) and I just didn't realise the potential I had at the time...I wish I did!
Do you see this becoming a career or part of your career?
This is my career now, in one way or another! I was made redundant on maternity leave, from a job that I no longer loved, so actually it was the best thing that could have happened to me. It gave me the kick up the backside to focus on my blog a bit more, the content I wanted to put out there and to also grow WeBlog 🙂
It's been scary building something, with no security blanket and I keep feeling pulled in many different directions, not quite sure what's best to focus on. The the world of blogging and online content has changed so much, I knew I wouldn't necessarily become "insta-famous" or that that was even what I wanted, so had to think about other ways of commercialising what I do as a content creator.
What do you hope to achieve for your content in 2018 and what’s your big-picture goal?
Wow, big picture goal is to be able to work part-time and sustain a living that supports my family and kids. It's all about work-life balance for me, I want to be around as much as possible with my kids. In terms of my content, I'd like it to be more sophisticated in more on the visuals and look and feel, as well as the writing. I think visuals, like it or not, is what grabs most people these days. I don't want to lose the words though! What's the point if the words aren't good?!
What is your favourite social media channel & why?
I do love Instagram and particularly Insta-stories...I think it's such a great way of being real and getting to see the person behind the photo. I've made some great friends through insta-stories too, it's way less intimidating in some ways. But I have found a bit of a new love for Twitter again...I dropped-off of it for years, but for WeBlogNorth, it's the perfect way to reach the community and share each-other's content...I picked two...that's cheating isn't it?
What is your favourite tool or app that helps in your content creation?
This Christmas, I downloaded the Lightroom App onto my ipad and use my memory card transfer thingy, to pop my DSLR photos straight onto it. It means I can edit my photos on a screen larger than my phone, but without needing my desktop and it's really worked for me. Lightroom can seem intimidating, but it's actually quite easy to use...there's pre-sets and you can tweak the settings yourself, to get the perfect look you want for your photos. That's what all my new images (including this title shot) are now edited with.
Who is your blogging/vlogging/content inspiration and why?
This is soooo hard. I guess one of the first people who's blog-roll I read religisously was The Londoner. On first glances, she has everything and can be a bit alienating to some, but actually she's hilarious and down to earth and I loved that it kept me in touch with London. She's a real foodie and I love a girl who loves her food! I also always kindly envied her photos - stunning! Then from an interiors, crafty point of view, I always followed A Beautiful Mess and loved their phone-app and filters...they for me, were one of the first blogs that really commercialised in a different way...books, e-courses, apps..
And now I'm tup North, I love In The Frow (obvs!), as her website is just stunning, so are her photos and I love that she's down-to-earth and still relatable. And I love my 'Secret Seven'...their content inspires me every single day and I wouldn't be right if I didn't list them here, as you need to get involved!
Georgie Glass (aka Ginseng & Thyme)
What do you like to do on weekends? Where can we find you hanging-out?
Well life has changed since having a kid just a bit...less hanging out in beer gardens all day and more outings to the zoo (with wine, when I'm not preggers!). I like the simple pleasures really...a nice glass of wine and a magazine in front of the telly, a good lunch in the local pub and walking around the cobbled streets of a Northern discovering new places! I tend to have my hubby, 2-year-old (light of my life) and bump in tow...and occasionally the dog!
If you could go anywhere in the world or experience any one thing, what would it be?
I have to say, the appeal of somewhere like The Maldives is increasing all the time. I used to think I'd be bored on a holiday like that, but since having kids and starting my own business, the idea of lying by the sea ALL DAY with a cocktail in hand ALL DAY and eating incredible fresh food, sounds uh-mazing! It really does seem like a paradise.
What’s your tips for staying motivated and/or organised in your work?
Right, this one's tough as it is hard motivating yourself, especially when you work alone. But I'd say (and it's gonna sound staged and cheesey)...tap into your community. I'd like to hope that's WeBlogNorth, but whatever and whoever it is, find a support network. It really is hard keeping your chin-up at times and muddling-on when all you want to do is cower under a duvet for weeks on end and not talk to anybody in the "real world". But now more than ever, we are faced with knowing people through our devices and sometimes, just getting out into the fresh-air, to a coffee-shop and meeting up with some real friends and/or colleagues does you the world of wonder! I know it does for me...I always feel uplifted and motivated when I've seen my friends that I made through this network.
What is the one piece of advice you’d give other content creators & aspiring bloggers/vloggers?
Do what feels right for you! Don't worry about niches, tones, appearances, trends and comparing yourself to others (this took me ages to learn!)...content doesn't come across if it's not something you care about. It won't translate to the reader if you're not passionate about it. So don't try to be something that doesn't real right to you. Do really is worth it in the long run!
Fun/Random fact about you (go on, surprise us!):
I do this weird thing where I count syllables and letters on my break down words or sentences into series of even groups of letters. Done it since I can remember, no idea I weird?!
The Featured Content Creator of the Week series is available to all bloggers, vloggers, influencers and content creators subscribed to WeBlogNorth. If you are a subscribed member and would like to be featured, then please get in touch. You’ll receive exposure to the entire WeBlogNorth family, as well as coverage across the @WeBlogNorth social channels and website. It’s great exposure for any content creator looking to get noticed and grow their following.
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