WeBlogUK Content Creator of the Week - Carla Speight, Aberrant Perspectives
Welcome to the WeBlogUK Featured Content Creator of the Week segment. This week, it's the turn of Carla Speight of Aberrant Perspectives, Professional Commercial Photographer and Writer.
Make sure you click the links below to follow and support Carla's content.
Name: Carla Speight
Location: Manchester
How long have you been a WeBlogUK Member? 6 months+
Blog: www.aberrantperspectives.co.uk
Twitter: @aberrantp
Facebook: Aberrant Perspectives
Instagram: @aberrantperspectives
How long have you been creating content online? 4 years with photography, 2 years in blogging
Camera: Canon 7D Mark ii
Favourite Tool: For photography - Photoshop and Lightroom. For blogging/writing - Typorama and Unfold.
Top tip for other content creators?
Be unique, know your audience and stick to what your good at.

Our featured content creator of the week is a chance to showcase the fabulous members in our network! It's just another perk of being a WeBlogUK member and a great chance to boost your traffic, share your content and top tips with the community.
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