I decided to create #WeBlogMCR for selfish reasons really...because I wanted to meet other Manchester bloggers and bloggers from the North-West. I felt I didn't have a support network when it came to blogging and none of my friends were bloggers, so they glazed over every time I brought up blogging.
I felt like all the blogging events, campaigns and successful bloggers were in London and the South and I was frustrated that I didn't feel like Manchester was represented on the blogging map. I wanted to meet like-minded people, I wanted to meet bloggers in my city and I wanted some new blogger mates!
So one evening, in 2014, I thought I’d send a tweet out to see who else was up for meeting bloggers in their area, to see if I could find a few others up for an informal drink and chat. Well I certainly didn’t expect the response I got! Tweets and RTs! Before I knew it, I had over 20 awesome bloggers interested and a spread-sheet was forming.
So the pressure was on, I needed to set a date, find a suitable venue and have a think about what I actually wanted to get out of this meet-up. Eek! So #WeBlogMCR was born.
Why #WeBlogMCR?
I wanted something catchy and instantly recognisable that all these lovely Manchester bloggers could use to communicate and find details of the meet-up. Also something to use on the evening to tag pictures, instagram and tweet. A twitter profile quickly followed @WeBlogMCR and then a logo and before I knew it, it was the day of the meet-up! And guess what? Everyone that turned-up was awesome and it was a great success (see my write-up and some cringe photos from back in the day).
What now?
Fast forward 2 years and the blogging scene was changing. People were blogging as part of their career and some even as a full-time career. Bloggers were money-makers, influencers and seriously creative. I hosted a steering group and put the invite out there. True to form, a seriously awesome bunch of bloggers and entrepreneurs rocked-up, were honest, open and friendly (all the qualities I love!) and all my ideas for #WeBlogMCR was met with a great reception.
I knew then that I needed to make this happen.
So what is #WeBlogMCR?
So #WeBlogMCR is a Manchester Bloggers Network. It's a place where bloggers of all experience and from all niches, can learn, be inspired and network with the goal of making their blog the best it can be. It's a place to meet friendly, like-minded people from the North-West and most importantly, it's a place to collaborate.
#WeBlogMCR will host a series of events, workshops, meet-ups and awards throughout the year and will become a link between bloggers and agencies/brands, leaving the blogger in control.
I'm a blogger, so I've created this for bloggers. I know what you guys want and need and I aim to represent that for you.
Who am I?
I'm Holly and I write HollyGoesLightly, a Lifestyle blog. I've recently taken the leap of faith and now blog as part of my career, so I earn money from my blog. I'm still learning, I'm still trying to increase my following and I'm still finding new ways to be creative and write write write.
I'm the friendly face you'll see at all of the #WeBlogMCR events. I'm the one that makes sure everyone gets introduced to each other and gets something out of the sessions. I'm the one that listens to you guys and tries to provide what you want.
I want us Manchester bloggers and North-West bloggers to be recognised across the country and for brands to want to work with us up here, not just in London.
Phew...any way, I could go on (sorry!). But I hope this gives you an idea of what it's all about. I hope you want to be a part of it and I hope to see you at the next event!