Jack D March - WeBlogNorth Featured Content Creator of the Week
Welcome to the WeBlogNorth Featured Content Creator of the Week segment. This week, it's the turn of Jack D March. Jack's blog can be summed up perfectly from his Instagram bio (which made us giggle!) 😃
"Ooh ah just a little bit of interiors! Ooh ah a little bit fashion, travel & more!"
Make sure you click the links below to follow and support Jack's content.
Name: Jack D March
Location: York
How long have you been a WeBlogNorth Member? Since Jan 2019
Website: jackdmarch.com
Instagram: @jackdmarch
How long have you been creating content online?

Favourite Tool:
Keep it personal but also relatable
PS - Jack is also nominated in the Best Budget Interiors category of the UK Interior Awards! Vote for him!!
Our featured content creator of the week is a chance to showcase the fabulous members in our network! It's just another perk of being a WeBlogNorth member and a great chance to boost your traffic, share your content and top tips with the community.
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