Introducing #WeBlogBiz Meets…The networking event that doesn’t feel like networking!
We’ve all been there. Awkward traditional networking events that feel a bit forced. Business cards being shoved in your face by people you’ve only just met. Everyone’s wearing a suit and you’ve turned up in jeans. Spending an hour working the room, only to leave feeling like you’ve wasted your time, the nibbles weren’t that yummy and you’ve not met anyone you clicked with.
WeBlogNorth began as a community of like-minded content creators. That ethos has evolved with us as we’ve welcomed creatives at every level into the group. We pride ourselves on being a positive, supportive community, so we want to create a fun, inclusive space for you all to fully benefit from that!
#WeBlogBiz Meets... is the perfect opportunity for business owners, freelancers and creatives to come together for an evening of networking that doesn’t feel like networking. No awkwardness, no pressure, no sales pitch, just some good chat and a laugh over a glass of prosecco. And we take our nibbles selection very seriously… 😄
Date: Thursday 31st May
Time: 6-8pm
Location: Six & Flow, 2nd Floor, Barton Arcade, Deansgate
These events are completely FREE for WeBlogNorth members to attend. All we ask you lot to do is RSVP to this private Facebook event so we have a good idea of numbers and can put together a guest list.
And if you’re not already a WeBlogger, or you'd like to introduce a plus one (or three) to our fabulous community - we just ask for a £5 ticket* from them. Non-members tickets can be bought on Eventbrite. This is the perfect opportunity to meet everyone and get a feel for what it’s like to join us.