Violet Salt - WeBlogUK Featured Content Creator of the Week
Welcome to the WeBlogUK Featured Content Creator of the Week segment. This week, it's the turn of Jodie, founder of Violet Salt and Assertiveness Coach. Jodie offers 'down to earth coaching and development for women worth their salt'. WE LOVE IT.
Make sure you click the links below to follow and support Jodie's content and business.
Name: Jodie Salt
Location: Frodsham, Cheshire
How long have you been a WeBlogUK Member? Less than 3 months
Facebook: Violet Salt
Instagram: @violetsaltuk
Twitter: @violetsaltuk
How long have you been creating content online? 2 years
Camera: iPhone 8 Plus
Favourite Tool: iMovie
Top tip for other content creators?
Be yourself and speak from the heart - it's ok to be a bit different
Our featured content creator of the week is a chance to showcase the fabulous members in our network! It's just another perk of being a WeBlogUK member and a great chance to boost your traffic, share your content and top tips with the community.
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