Katie Portman, Pouting in Heels - WeBlogNorth Featured Content Creator of the Week
Welcome to the WeBlogNorth Featured Content Creator of the Week segment. This week, it's the turn of freelancer, blogger and now AUTHOR, Katie Portman. Katie's book, A Little Pick Me Up, is published this week! Order your copy here.
Make sure you click the links below to follow and support Katie's content and business.
Name: Katie Portman
Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
How long have you been a WeBlogNorth Member? Over a year
Website: poutinginheels.com
Facebook: Pouting in Heels
Instagram: @poutinginheels
Twitter: @katielportman
How long have you been creating content online?

Favourite Tool:
Top tip for other content creators?
Speak YOUR truth!
My blog is a mixture of content these days but the posts that always resonate the most with people are the ones in which I bare my soul a little, the ones in which I share my story.
I'm a firm believer that when we dare to be vulnerable with the world and open up to others, magic happens! It certainly has for me. I've had a number of pieces go viral over the years and it's always been because they've touched people.
Our featured content creator of the week is a chance to showcase the fabulous members in our network! It's just another perk of being a WeBlogNorth member and a great chance to boost your traffic, share your content and top tips with the community.
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